Vow Diamonds

Industry: Jewelry (Lab-Grown Diamonds)

Scope: Photography, Website Design, Logo and Branding, Social Media Management, and Marketing

Vow Diamonds needed a cohesive and attractive brand identity that would differentiate them in the competitive jewelry market. The challenge was to create a brand that exudes luxury and elegance while highlighting the sustainable and ethical aspects of lab-grown diamonds. Additionally, they required an effective social media strategy to build a strong online presence and drive engagement.

Our team provided a full suite of services to meet Vow Diamonds’ objectives:

  1. Brand Strategy and Logo Design:
    • Developed a distinctive brand identity that reflects the luxury and sustainability of lab-grown diamonds.
    • Created an elegant and memorable logo that represents the brand’s values and vision.
  2. Photography:
    • Conducted professional photoshoots to capture the beauty and craftsmanship of Vow Diamonds’ products.
    • Produced high-quality images for use in marketing materials, website, and social media.
  3. Website Design:
    • Designed and developed a user-friendly and visually appealing website to showcase their product range.
    • Ensured the website provides a seamless shopping experience with easy navigation and secure payment options.
  4. Social Media Management and Marketing:
    • Created and executed a strategic social media plan to build brand awareness and engage with potential customers.
    • Managed their social media accounts, including content creation, posting, and community engagement.
    • Implemented targeted advertising campaigns to reach a broader audience and drive traffic to the website.
  5. Public Relations:
    • Coordinated with media outlets and influencers to generate buzz and secure features in prominent publications.
    • Leveraged PR strategies to enhance brand credibility and visibility.

The comprehensive branding and marketing efforts led to significant achievements for Vow Diamonds:

  • Successfully launched the brand in record time.
  • Gained recognition and features in several prominent publications.
  • Built a strong online presence with increased social media engagement and website traffic.
  • Established a loyal customer base and received positive feedback on the brand’s visual identity and online experience.


Vow Diamonds is a premium lab-grown diamonds brand based in Mumbai, India. They approached us to develop a comprehensive branding strategy, including photography, website design, logo creation, and social media management, to successfully launch their brand.