Tea Pea Cafe

Industry: Food & Beverage

Scope: Social Media Marketing & Management, Food Video and Photography

Tea Pea Cafe needed a robust social media strategy and high-quality visual content to stand out in a competitive market. The goal was to increase their brand visibility and footfall at their cafe.

Our team provided comprehensive social media marketing and management services, along with professional food photography and videography.

  1. Social Media Marketing and Management:
    • Developed and executed a strategic social media plan to engage with their target audience and increase brand awareness.
    • Managed their social media accounts, including content creation, posting, and community engagement.
    • Implemented targeted advertising campaigns to reach potential customers.
  2. Food Photography and Videography:
    • Created visually appealing content to showcase their delicious offerings and cozy cafe ambiance.
    • Conducted professional photoshoots and video productions to capture the essence of the cafe experience.
    • Utilized high-quality imagery and engaging videos to enhance their social media presence.
  3. Engagement Tactics:
    • Implemented interactive posts, promotions, and collaborations to boost engagement and drive traffic to the cafe.
    • Organized social media contests and giveaways to encourage user participation and generate buzz.
    • Partnered with influencers and local food bloggers to expand their reach and credibility.

The strategic social media and visual content efforts led to significant business growth for Tea Pea Cafe:

  • Increased customer footfall by 20%.
  • Enhanced brand recognition and customer engagement.
  • Improved social media following and engagement metrics.
  • Received positive feedback from customers and increased word-of-mouth referrals.

Tea Pea Cafe is a well-known cafe brand based in Mumbai, offering a variety of light snacks, coffee, and tea products. They approached us to enhance their online presence and attract more customers to their physical locations.