AL Areesh

Industry: Food & Beverage

Scope: Brand and Packaging Development

Al Areesh, a well-established player in the food and beverages industry, sought Cognitive Branding’s expertise to rejuvenate their brand image. They needed a comprehensive brand and packaging overhaul to stay competitive in the ever-evolving market. Our challenge was to conduct extensive research on existing packaging, develop a brand architecture, and deliver brand guidelines, including photography styles and artwork ready for print.


In-Depth Research: We initiated the project with thorough research. We analyzed Al Areesh’s existing packaging, delved into market trends, and conducted consumer surveys to gain valuable insights.
Brand Architecture: Building on our research, we designed a comprehensive brand architecture. This included defining brand pillars, target audience personas, and a brand story that resonated with Al Areesh’s values and mission.
Visual Identity: We crafted a fresh visual identity that encapsulated Al Areesh’s essence. This involved creating a new logo, color palette, and typography that reflected the brand’s personality.
Packaging Redesign: Our team worked meticulously on redesigning the packaging for Al Areesh’s products. We aimed to maintain a balance between brand consistency and product differentiation.
Brand Guidelines: To ensure uniformity across all touchpoints, we developed comprehensive brand guidelines. These guidelines covered everything from logo usage to photography style, ensuring a cohesive brand image.
Artwork Ready for Print: Finally, we delivered print-ready artwork for Al Areesh’s new packaging. Our attention to detail in file preparation guaranteed a smooth transition from design to production.

Cognitive Branding’s efforts resulted in a brand and packaging transformation:

Enhanced Brand Image: Al Areesh witnessed a substantial enhancement in their brand image, aligning it with modern trends and consumer expectations.
Product Differentiation: The new packaging design provided clear product differentiation on the shelves, making it easier for customers to identify Al Areesh products.
Improved Brand Recall: Our strategic approach to design and branding significantly improved brand recall among consumers, leading to increased recognition and loyalty.
Streamlined Production: The print-ready artwork we provided streamlined the production process, reducing errors and costs.
Consistency: The brand guidelines ensured that all marketing materials, from advertisements to social media posts, maintained a consistent and professional look and feel.

Through our holistic approach to brand and packaging development, Cognitive Branding successfully revitalized Al Areesh’s brand, allowing them to stand out in the competitive food and beverages market.